libQGLViewer 2.3
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libQGLViewer 2.3

Free libQGLViewer is a C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D
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2.3 See all
Gilles Debunne
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Software Informer Virus Free award
Open source
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libQGLViewer is a C library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers.
The installer allows you to evaluate the library from its demonstration examples and its documentation and to start creating your own programs. The library and the examples were here compiled using (and can be used with) MinGW and the open source version of Qt.
It provides some of the typical 3D viewer functionalities, such as the possibility to move the camera using the mouse, which lacks in most of the other APIs. Other features include mouse manipulated frames, interpolated keyFrames, object selection, stereo display, screenshot saving and much more. It can be used by OpenGL beginners as well as to create complex applications, being fully customizable and easy to extend.
Based on the Qt toolkit, it compiles on any architecture (Unix-Linux, Mac, Windows). Full reference documentation and many examples are provided. libQGLViewer does not display 3D scenes in various formats, but it can be the base for the coding of such a viewer.



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